Thursday, December 30, 2004

Opening my Universe a little more...

I got myself a blog in March 2004...set it up...and then put up a post saying "let me think what will go in here...till then this will remain under construction." And that is how it has been for so many days. All these days, I have been thinking off and on, about what I can blog. Literature...a blog only on whatever "literary" catches my eye or should it talk about "e-learning" -- my profession (at least for the moment). Maybe it should have whatever I keep reading about search engines and search engine optimization, an interest I developed in my previous job. Maybe one that links to all the great stuff that I read on the internet. Maybe I was just being lazy...

Meanwhile, I exhorted and convinced many of my friends to start their own blogs. And smiled whenever they asked me about my blog.

I have finally decided to jump into it. And no, I haven't yet decided what direction my blog will take. What I have decided to do is flag good and interesting pieces that I come across on the Net, add my two bits on whatever I feel like and generally cover all my interests...and see how it goes...

It is just the time to start doing up my universe a bit more for others to see.

--mandar "emmtee"

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