Friday, December 31, 2004

Igniting the Web -- Firefox 1.0

In an online survey on Desktop Pipeline for "the most important desktop tech event and/or product of 2004?" has "The release of Mozilla's Firefox browser" leading with 95% of the votes (as on December 31, 2004 -- 3.30 pm. IST ). Firefox 1.0 was released on November 9, and since then has clocked over 14 million downloads.

I have been using Firefox for over an year now -- since it was a version 0.5. Even when it was under development, I found it to be much better than Microsoft's Internet Explorer. It is faster and more efficient than IE and it is definitely safer. In addition, its features like Popup Blocking, Tabbed Browsing, and Live Bookmarks (RSS/Atom feeds) are very user-friendly features that microsoft hasn't been able to even come close to. And you can pack it with more features by simply downloading more extensions. I have virtually given up using IE. If you want to read an excellent review of Firefox and its features -- Firefox 1.0: The New World Wide Web Champ? -- on Desktop Pipeline.

Get yourself a real browser in 2005, download firefox and rediscover the web.


RHAGANS said...

i've switched back to ie from firefox. i've found
problems with firefox in my website design develop-
ment. i found that ff does not update a changed file
quickly enough and that what ff displays is not always
what you see in ie. so, i've reluctantly switched back
to ie.

mandar said...

Hi RHAGANS, Firefox does have some teething problems. In my experience I have found that at times Javascript crashes the browser. Nevertheless I still feel that it is the best browser around at the moment.
The display problem that you describe must be the one encountered across various browsers. As far as i know, most web pages have to be tweaked in some way so that they display similarly in all browsers.